The PAYMENT CONDITIONS state the following:
You must pay for all content from UNDERGROUND, unless it is free. UNDERGROUND will begin providing the service after confirming payment.

The total price of the service at includes taxes and expenses. Before making payment, please verify the price.

Payments are international and will be billed in US dollars (USD) according to the terms and conditions on the website. The Company is not responsible for bank fees or currency losses.

The Company may close the account if terms or rules of respect are violated. Charges are non-refundable.

Prices may change without prior notice, with no price protection or refunds.

Payments are non-refundable under any circumstances.

By making a payment, you agree to the RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF STUDENTS as follows.


Students are expected to:

Access the ULC platform at the agreed-upon times.
Dedicate time to study and assignments.
Respect the teacher's schedule.
Respect everyone in the educational environment.
Maintain dignified and respectful behavior.
Contribute to a positive learning environment.
Maintain contact with teachers through authorized means.
Use the chat only for relevant questions.
Support their opinions and respect those of others.
Uphold harmonious coexistence and conflict resolution.
Protect the privacy of others.
Seek educational excellence and academic honesty.
Not cheat on exams or receive improper assistance.