Purpose of the Agreement:
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide classes to the Student. The classes will follow the guidelines established in the Agreement.

1. UNDERGROUND's Obligations
For students who claim to have previous knowledge of the language they will study, UNDERGROUND acknowledges that before accepting this Agreement, it must:
1.1. Evaluate the results of the Student's level tests and propose the most suitable Course to achieve their objectives.

1.2. Provide classes according to the Level, either in private or group mode, with the Duration and Frequency agreed with UNDERGROUND's academic Tutor.

1.3. Assign a Teacher to deliver the Classes appropriately and timely according to the Course.

1.4. Conduct classes on the dates agreed upon with the Student.

1.5. Provide a Service to the Student to enhance their experience during the Course, offering guidance as needed.

1.6. Allow access to the ULC platform during the agreed-upon study period according to the chosen plan.

1.7. Provide class notes with pronunciation, vocabulary, and statements that require special attention from the Student.

1.8. Allow the freezing of classes according to the selected plan and at the student's request. For example, in a 6-month plan, 5 classes can be frozen; in a 12-month plan, 10 classes; and in an 18-month plan, 15 classes (only for group classes). Frozen group classes can be incorporated at the end of the course if the student justifies their absence.

1.9. Reschedule individual classes if the student reports their absence at least 2 days before the class (with a minimum of 24 hours in advance).

2. Student's Obligations
The Student acknowledges that, before accepting this Agreement:
2.1. Must take level tests unless starting from a beginner or basic level and accept the assigned level for the Course.

2.2. Must have a suitable environment to participate in virtual classes in a quiet place without interruptions.

2.3. Must have an internet connection and a computer suitable for participating in virtual classes.

2.4. Must keep their phone active during virtual classes for messages or the use of audio chat if necessary.

2.5. Must collaborate with the Teacher to ensure a smooth development of the classes and fulfill the Course.

2.6. Must collaborate with other Students in group classes.

2.7. Must use the group chat as established in the Operational Considerations.

2.8. Finally, the Student must pay the full price of the selected plan; otherwise, the Company may close the account or access to the service.

2.9. Must inform in advance if they want to postpone a private class at least 2 days before its start (only for individual classes).

2.10. Must provide documentary justification to incorporate frozen classes again, considering the allowed quantity (only for group classes).

3. Responsibility
Any Party that negligently breaches its obligations under this Agreement and causes harm to the other Party shall be considered responsible.

4. Force Majeure
None of the Parties shall be considered responsible for a delay, defect, or error in the teaching of the Classes when this is due to or caused by force majeure or a case of force majeure. However, the Parties shall have the right to notify the other Party when they become aware that a cause of this nature has occurred and will affect the proper performance of their obligations.
Force majeure or a case of force majeure shall be understood as: An unforeseen event that cannot be resisted, such as a shipwreck, an earthquake, acts of authority exercised by public officials, serious illness, etc.

5. Obligation of Secrecy and Confidentiality
The Parties acknowledge that all information that may be accessed under this Agreement, whether related to the Course, the delivery of the Classes, or related to the activity or organization of any of the Parties (hereinafter, the "Information"), is of a confidential nature. Thus, the Parties agree not to disclose and to maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding such Information, warning, if necessary, of this duty of confidentiality and secrecy to anyone who, due to their position or personal or sentimental relationship, must or may have access to it.
None of the Parties may reproduce, modify, publish, or disclose the Information to third parties without the prior written and express authorization of the other Party.
The Parties undertake to take the necessary measures to prevent the information from being disclosed or transferred. They will adopt the same security measures as they will adopt with respect to their confidential information, avoiding its loss, theft, or theft.
The recipient of the Information undertakes, where appropriate, to inform any person to whom the Information is provided of the duty of confidentiality, being responsible for any misuse that these individuals may make of the information related to the Agreement.
Likewise, the Party that receives the Information undertakes to inform the other Party of any action or incident by third parties that may threaten the confidentiality of the Information.
The provisions of the Agreement regarding confidentiality shall apply during the term of this Agreement and after its termination.

6. Assignment of the Agreement
The Parties may not assign their position in this Agreement, nor the rights or obligations arising from it, without the prior, express consent of the other Party.

7. Duration of the Agreement
The Agreement is valid until the completion of the Course chosen by the Student or for a maximum of 365 days from the date of this Agreement, whichever occurs first, with no automatic renewal whatsoever.